Tentang Jurnal Ini

JOEBIS: The Journal of Islamic Economics and Business is a scientific journal published by LPPM STIB Banyuwangi. This journal is published twice a year, namely in March and September. JOEBIS focuses on the study of Islamic economics and business that is developing in Indonesia, by highlighting various aspects of regulations, government policies, and fatwas of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI). In addition, this journal also discusses the impact of these policies on entrepreneurs and Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), both on a micro and macro scale. Through the publication of quality scientific articles, JOEBIS is expected to become a forum for academics, practitioners, and stakeholders in understanding and developing Islamic economics and business in Indonesia.

 Judul Jurnal  JOEBIS: The Journal of Islamic Economics and Business
 Bahasa  Indonesia, Inggris
 P-ISSN  0000-0000
 E-ISSN  0000-0000
 Frekuensi  2 Kali dalam Setahun (Maret & September)
 DOI  10.58472
 OAI https://ejournal.stiblambangan.ac.id/index.php/JOEBIS
 Editor in chief  Mursidah, S.E.Sy., M.E.
 Publisher  LPPM Sekolah Tinggi Islam Blambangan (STIB) Banyuwangi
 Citation Analysis  Google Scholar